Why we are here.


In many ways, the coffee industry operates much as it did 200 years ago. However, things are changing - fast. The specialty coffee market is pushing for new and better ways to determine a coffee’s value. We started Coffeeseed to help accelerate this change and to make sure that no part of the coffee value chain is left behind.


Specialty coffee needs a new source for consistent, more accurate product quality and verification information – a resource that’s not biased by being a party to the trade, a resource that is accessible and affordable from producer to retailer. Through objective data derived from the physical bean itself, Coffeeseed will become the trusted independent provider of the facts that inform the value of coffee.

Coffeeseed provides clear, unbiased, cost-effective answers to the most critical unknowns that determine coffee value. These answers mean that growers will receive a better price for their best coffees, importers and exporters will have more efficient access to financing, roasters can improve product quality, and retailers and consumers can access independently verified sourcing information to qualify their coffee purchases.

There is a passionate global community redefining what it means to produce, source, roast, and pour good coffee. We work for that community. We work for specialty.

Meet the Team

  • Dave Clauson, Founder

    20+ years in tech. product dev./marketing. 7 years of coffee production, import and sales experience.

  • Jon Amsler, Product Development

    20+ years IT systems mgt. CIO/CKO Egon Zehnder. Expertise in large data systems integration, code security, knowledge mgt.

  • Bill Harris, Coffee

    Chief Coffee Officer. 20+ years in coffee farming, roasting, importing, finance. Founder of Cooperative Coffees, Café Campesino.

  • Haddy Coulibaly, Credit + Finance

    15 years in finance operations. Senior Credit Manager for FTRANS. Managed $450M debt portfolio with losses <0.25%.

  • Kale Clauson, Imaging Project Manager/Director of Technical Partnerships

    Leading development of the first digital imaging-based quality assessment protocol for green coffee on a mobile platform.

 *Special thanks to MadeWildly Productions, Milkshake Studios, Semilla Coffee Importers, and Co-op Coffees for providing their media and materials.